This is not time to curse or....It is time for the rest 400 plus ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to take arms and begin to "cut down the tall trees" of monstrous beasts, anywhere you find them in your locality.
I had it on good authority that the Idomas hunt them like antelopes.

All It is them time for the rest of the 400 plus ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to take arms and begin to "cut down the tall trees" of monstrous beasts, anywhere you find them in your locality. I had it on good authority that the Idomas hunt them like antelopes!
Fellow Nigerians, enough of this greed after oil money and culinary political interests. Time to mobilise to defend ourselves, andl the rest of all ethnic nationalities.This is not time to curse or....It is time for the rest 400 plus ethnic nationalities in Nigeria to take arms and begin to "cut down the tall trees" of these monstrous beasts, anywhere you find them in your locality. I had it on good authority that the Idomas of Benue state hunt them like antelopes.
Enough of this greed after oil money. Time to mobilise. So what are you waiting for? Enough is enough.
Fellow Nigerias, I believe it is time to mobilise. Not only mobilise, act and act fast!
The inspector general of police claimed that they are not resident Fulani's in Nigeria but aliens. The question now is if a group of aliens want to bastardise the image of your Fulani race or tribe, what do you do, as a true Fulani man? Fold your arms watch them paintt your tribe black in the commity of nations? If of truth you are sincere, that those of you resident in Nigeria have no hands in gruesome bestiality, then join hands with the rest of Nigerians and fight these invaders and aliens battering the image of you Fulani's as ravenous beasts. The same way true Moslems disowned the bloodthirsty book haram. You too disown them.
To do otherwise means ethnic 'espirit de corps' and the rest of non Fulani Nigerians are hereby called to arise and defend their fatherland and the entire citizenry against these beasts of no nation. And no matter how hard the powers that be tries to cover up, look the other way and play it down, and sweep it under carpet, the reality of cannot be shied away in the face of.
So what then are we waiting for?
But we need to start from some where. We can begin from an economic blockade and sanctions that does not need any enforcement. All it takes is sensitisation, mobilisation and a good campaign strategy. Let all Nigerian mobilise against the consumption of beefmeat which is a product of cows and let us see what become of them and their cows!
The Idomas made it happen! We too can make it happen. And let us also make it happen.
Fishes, be it tilapia, iced fish, croaker, panla, catfish and lobsters are more nourishing. So are chickens, turkeys and goat meat including eggs. All these are nourishing enough to go with our meals.
Will not not surprise you enough that Fulanis themselves hardly take meat? Meaning? Something must be fishy somewhere. It could be diabolically, metaphysically or any otherly. Of course it could, when a producer hardly partake in the consumption of his products!!!!
So let all and sundry join this campaign... #boycottbeef#

posted from Bloggeroid
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