The Ayatollahs At Sokoto Mammy Market

A visitor to Sokoto, whom we would  rather protect his identity, wrote of his experience:

I used to spend my long vacation with my Uncle in Sokoto as an undergrad. I spent a couple of months every year in Sakwato. Friday evening, Saturday evening, I joined other infidels from the south to patronize the mammy market.
Mammy markets in the north are technically like Chinua Achebe's evil forest in TFA: that zone of sin - beer parlours, pepper soup joints, etc - reserved grudgingly for southern infidels.
Wait till after 11 pm and see how the ethnic and religious composition of those coming to drink beer and peppersoup and biblically know women begins to change. Gradually, ever so gradually, southern infidels are overtaken in the zones of sin by their finger-pointing hosts.
Night in the mammy markets of the north bridges a lot of divisions.
Hosts and visitors unite over bottles of beer, over prostitution. Sodom and Gomorrha offer unity where faith, tribe, and tongue differ.
Day and sunlight are spoilers. The trenches return. The masks return.
We break beer bottles without minding the VAT from the beer.
We resume pietistic policing of the female bodies we secretly went to know at mammy market.
I saw things in the mammy market in Sokoto.
That is why I don't take the Ayatollahs of the north too seriously. The more they are into radical Islamist noise making by day, the more likely you'll find them after midnight in mammy market.
The well guarded gate of Sokoto Mammy Market
The Well Manned Gate Of Sokoto Mammy Market
Night unites them with everything they loudly condemn during the day.

I have worked and lived in most part of the northern Nigeria. When it comes to the issues of morality, hypocrisy is the other name for Northern Nigeria.

Our Take At Soji Graphics:-
It only reminded the blog administrator of the masquerade cult in his home town.
At daytime, they dance and bear different names inside their "agò" or "èkú" And when it is night time, they remove their regalias and masks and begin to bear their real names and live their normal lives.
Or is there anything better to compare with, or illustrate this social and religious hypocrisy in the north? 
