Félicien Kabuga |
Kabuga, who is accused of financing the killings and frequently listed as one of the world’s most wanted men, was living under a false identity in the French capital’s suburbs, local police and prosecutors said in a statement on Saturday.
French officials said Kabuga had been hiding in an apartment in Asnières-Sur-Seine, north-west of Paris, aided by his children who had set up an effective system to conceal him.
“Félicien Kabuga is known to have been the financier of the Rwandan genocide,” French authorities said.
When he was on wanted list |
Kabuga was part of the inner circle of the Rwandan government of Juvénal Habyarimana, the president whose assassination triggered the genocide. Two of his daughters were married to Habyarimana’s sons.
Kabuga was indicted by the UN international criminal tribunal for Rwanda in 1997 on seven counts, including genocide. Following the victory of the Rwandan Patriotic Front under Paul Kagame, he fled first to Switzerland but was expelled.
Kabuga: A hoary head is a crown of glory, if found in the way of righteousness. |
The Rwanda tribunal formally closed in 2015 and its duties were taken over by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), which also deals with cases left over from the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
“The arrest of Félicien Kabuga today is a reminder that those responsible for genocide can be brought to account, even 26 years after their crimes … Today’s arrest underlines the strength of our determination,” said Serge Brammertz, IRMCT’s chief prosecutor in The Hague.
Mandela spent 27 years in prison and returned a global hero. Félicien spent 26 years on the run and may end up spending the rest of his years behind bars. |
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