The groundbreaking for the Legacy Project, that is the 100,000-seat capacity Sanctuary called The Ark is scheduled to take place at Canaanland this Thursday 25th March 2021 and the time is 11:00 am.
.........The Ark will specifically take 106,000 seats and will include a 24 Floor Mission Tower (International Headquarters Facility) made up of 2 pairs of 12 floors each. It is to be built on the site of the old Faith Academy adjoining Faith Tabernacle. Faith Tabernacle and Faith Academy’s Foundation Laying both took place on 29th August 1998. ***Mobilising To Site***
And both projects lasted one year, commencing on September 18, 1998, with the 50,000 capacity Faith Tabernacle dicated on September 18, 1999. According to Bishop Oyedepo, not one dime of the money contributed to this project since 2015 has been touched and the Church has maintained strict budgeting and never going out of her budget. ‘Right now’ says Bishop Oyedepo ‘ it doesn’t feel like what we are building (the Ark Project) is up to a bungalow’ Continuing the announcement by the Church-Members of the Church especially Pastors, Deacons, Deaconesses, Heads of various units who are able to make it are required to be present for this Prophetic Event. Everyone that sees the take off of this Project shall live to see its completion in his or her multiplied state in the name of Jesus Christ. ‘God will never cease to spring surprises in your life.’ -Bishop David Oyedepo The Ark shall remain a Sanctuary of Jesus for ever and there will be many more high palaces for Jesus around the World.
Jesus will meet people worshipping in this Sanctuary whevever he comes whether in 1000 or 2000 years. -Bishop David Oyedepo
Our take at Soji Graphics: Two questions to ask ourselves. 1). Is a structure like this necessary? 2). Whence come the resources for this gigantic project? Answers: 1). Our sister blog "Words In Season" in a yet to be published draft article answers question 1. Read on. Just as a word can have two or three meaning yet spelt with the same letters, so is the same with the word "Church" has two meanings. The first meaning is a group of called out people by God. Not to expantiate further with much theological exegetics, it simple mean THE PEOPLE OF GOD. The second meaning of "Church" is a place where THE PEOPLE OF GOD gather to meet, worship and call upon God. Without homiletic adumbrations it simply means THE HOUSE OF GOD. David expressed his joy in Psalms when he was asked "....let us go to THE HOUSE OF GOD" Jacob in the book of Genesis also called THE HOUSE OF GOD the GATE OF HEAVEN when God opened his spiritual eyes to activities going on there in the spirit realm. Genesis 28:16 - 17. So be it a thatched roofed 10 x 12 feet in dimension structure, as long as THE PEOPLE OF GOD meets and worship there, it is THE HOUSE OF GOD - Church. And if it be a gigantic monument like the one the construction kicks off today Thursday March 25, 2021, as long THE PEOPLE OF GOD meets and worship God there, it is THE HOUSE OF GOD. We hereby conclude a structure like this VERY NECESSARY as long it is THE PEOPLE OF GOD that will be meeting there. And not league will be played and watched there, football or handball or both. To God the magnitude or dimension or aesthetics and beauty, be it of cheap or of the most expensive material is of no consequence as long as it HIS PEOPLE are meeting, worshipping and praying Him in HIS HOUSE. It is THE CHURCH meeting in THE CHURCH. Church is summarised in one sentence - PEOPLE OF GOD in THE HOUSE OF GOD. He or she who disagree with this is of no consequence. Now to question 2. The resources to help build this magnificent edifice of a HOUSE OF GOD comes "...from The Lord Who made the heaven and the earth." Psalm 121:2 If you have not heard this before, then hear it for the very first time "God's work, done God's way will never lack provisions and supply" To the faithful God will be faithful.
And both projects lasted one year, commencing on September 18, 1998, with the 50,000 capacity Faith Tabernacle dicated on September 18, 1999. According to Bishop Oyedepo, not one dime of the money contributed to this project since 2015 has been touched and the Church has maintained strict budgeting and never going out of her budget. ‘Right now’ says Bishop Oyedepo ‘ it doesn’t feel like what we are building (the Ark Project) is up to a bungalow’ Continuing the announcement by the Church-Members of the Church especially Pastors, Deacons, Deaconesses, Heads of various units who are able to make it are required to be present for this Prophetic Event. Everyone that sees the take off of this Project shall live to see its completion in his or her multiplied state in the name of Jesus Christ. ‘God will never cease to spring surprises in your life.’ -Bishop David Oyedepo The Ark shall remain a Sanctuary of Jesus for ever and there will be many more high palaces for Jesus around the World.
Jesus will meet people worshipping in this Sanctuary whevever he comes whether in 1000 or 2000 years. -Bishop David Oyedepo
Our take at Soji Graphics: Two questions to ask ourselves. 1). Is a structure like this necessary? 2). Whence come the resources for this gigantic project? Answers: 1). Our sister blog "Words In Season" in a yet to be published draft article answers question 1. Read on. Just as a word can have two or three meaning yet spelt with the same letters, so is the same with the word "Church" has two meanings. The first meaning is a group of called out people by God. Not to expantiate further with much theological exegetics, it simple mean THE PEOPLE OF GOD. The second meaning of "Church" is a place where THE PEOPLE OF GOD gather to meet, worship and call upon God. Without homiletic adumbrations it simply means THE HOUSE OF GOD. David expressed his joy in Psalms when he was asked "....let us go to THE HOUSE OF GOD" Jacob in the book of Genesis also called THE HOUSE OF GOD the GATE OF HEAVEN when God opened his spiritual eyes to activities going on there in the spirit realm. Genesis 28:16 - 17. So be it a thatched roofed 10 x 12 feet in dimension structure, as long as THE PEOPLE OF GOD meets and worship there, it is THE HOUSE OF GOD - Church. And if it be a gigantic monument like the one the construction kicks off today Thursday March 25, 2021, as long THE PEOPLE OF GOD meets and worship God there, it is THE HOUSE OF GOD. We hereby conclude a structure like this VERY NECESSARY as long it is THE PEOPLE OF GOD that will be meeting there. And not league will be played and watched there, football or handball or both. To God the magnitude or dimension or aesthetics and beauty, be it of cheap or of the most expensive material is of no consequence as long as it HIS PEOPLE are meeting, worshipping and praying Him in HIS HOUSE. It is THE CHURCH meeting in THE CHURCH. Church is summarised in one sentence - PEOPLE OF GOD in THE HOUSE OF GOD. He or she who disagree with this is of no consequence. Now to question 2. The resources to help build this magnificent edifice of a HOUSE OF GOD comes "...from The Lord Who made the heaven and the earth." Psalm 121:2 If you have not heard this before, then hear it for the very first time "God's work, done God's way will never lack provisions and supply" To the faithful God will be faithful.
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