From the old Igbon chiefdom, Soun Ogunlola was sent as a malefactor to Alaafin Ajagbo by Olugbon to receive judgement for accidental murder. Whatever version of how the incident was packaged or repackaged, the common denominator remains - it was accidental and not delibrate nor intentional.
Supposing the Oyos and the Oyomesi did not believe in the principle of fair hearing and descended hard on Soun on his arrival and metted quick justice on him?
We mean imagine they did not take to hear him out or at least take time to study the 'àrokò' he brought from Olugbon but rather hastily killed and burnt and wasted him on his arrival, what would have been the boomerang and spillover effect? Then there would have been no Soun Ogunlola to take on Elemoso, the real malefactor wilful and intentional mass murderer. A one man terrorist and bandit rolled into one, terrorising Oyo Kingdom with his invisibility y and invisible powers then. Killing both old and young, male and female. And left with no one to overcome and conquer him, he would have laid Oyo kingdom waste and bare.
And of course there would have been no place called Ogbomoso today. Since there would have been no Soun to go and start a settlement and cheifdom that later metamorphosised to Ogbomoso.
Because there would have been no one to take on Elemoso, and he would have laid Oyo kingdom waste. And of course there would not have been a place called Oyo, be it Oyo - Ile or Oyo - Alaafin today.
Meaning that had an uncontrolled and unbriddled savagery devoid of regard for human life been meted on Soun on his arrival at Oyo, like it was done to Deborah by savages in Sokoto, it would have cost Nigeria the existence of two economically virile and tourism potential cities Oyo - Alaafin and Ogbomoso. Two ancient cities both rich in cultural, social and economic values.
Only time will tell the cost of such savageries meted to the likes of Deborah and others by subhumans devoid of common reasoning not to talk of sound reasonings. We leave the rest till some other day.
Imagine a Nigeria without Ogbomoso and Oyo Alaafin....
Or can someone that has been burnt to ashes still pioneer a settlement and chiefdom that was to later to become a city?
There would have been no one to take on Elemoso, and he would have laid Oyo kingdom waste. And of course there would not have been a place called Ogbomoso today.
Meaning that had an uncontrolled and unbriddled savagery devoid of regard for human life been meted on Soun on his arrival at Oyo, it would have cost Nigeria two economically virile and tourism potential cities Oyo - Alaafin and Ogbomoso. Bottomline? - Let us all learn to rule over emotions and control our passions and and never allow them to be governed by premordial sentiments, be it ethnic, political and religious.
- Let us learn to practise the principles of second opinion. No matter what you hear, try and hear the other party out. Allow the other one to tell his own side of the story.
- Let not what you hear about somebody dictate how you relate with him or her. Find out more about the person you hear his or her story and even who the story teller is. At the end of day, it may be the story teller you need to distance yourself from. **Deborah Samuel: Killed by beasts ruled by blind unbriddled religious passion. Equally baser beasts, supporting **
- The first reaction may not be the best especially if it will complicate and aggravate matters. As Prince Akim in the person of Eddy Murphy wants Lisa to believe in the film 'Coming To America'1. Remember he was only looking for a wife and trying to win over Lisa.
Imagine a Nigeria without Ogbomoso and Oyo Alaafin....
Supposing the Oyos and the Oyomesi did not believe in the principle of fair hearing and descended hard on Soun on his arrival and metted quick justice on him?
We mean imagine they did not take to hear him out or at least take time to study the 'àrokò' he brought from Olugbon but rather hastily killed and burnt and wasted him on his arrival, what would have been the boomerang and spillover effect? Then there would have been no Soun Ogunlola to take on Elemoso, the real malefactor wilful and intentional mass murderer. A one man terrorist and bandit rolled into one, terrorising Oyo Kingdom with his invisibility y and invisible powers then. Killing both old and young, male and female. And left with no one to overcome and conquer him, he would have laid Oyo kingdom waste and bare.
And of course there would have been no place called Ogbomoso today. Since there would have been no Soun to go and start a settlement and cheifdom that later metamorphosised to Ogbomoso.
Because there would have been no one to take on Elemoso, and he would have laid Oyo kingdom waste. And of course there would not have been a place called Oyo, be it Oyo - Ile or Oyo - Alaafin today.
Meaning that had an uncontrolled and unbriddled savagery devoid of regard for human life been meted on Soun on his arrival at Oyo, like it was done to Deborah by savages in Sokoto, it would have cost Nigeria the existence of two economically virile and tourism potential cities Oyo - Alaafin and Ogbomoso. Two ancient cities both rich in cultural, social and economic values.
Only time will tell the cost of such savageries meted to the likes of Deborah and others by subhumans devoid of common reasoning not to talk of sound reasonings. We leave the rest till some other day.
Imagine a Nigeria without Ogbomoso and Oyo Alaafin....
Or can someone that has been burnt to ashes still pioneer a settlement and chiefdom that was to later to become a city?
There would have been no one to take on Elemoso, and he would have laid Oyo kingdom waste. And of course there would not have been a place called Ogbomoso today.
Meaning that had an uncontrolled and unbriddled savagery devoid of regard for human life been meted on Soun on his arrival at Oyo, it would have cost Nigeria two economically virile and tourism potential cities Oyo - Alaafin and Ogbomoso. Bottomline? - Let us all learn to rule over emotions and control our passions and and never allow them to be governed by premordial sentiments, be it ethnic, political and religious.
- Let us learn to practise the principles of second opinion. No matter what you hear, try and hear the other party out. Allow the other one to tell his own side of the story.
- Let not what you hear about somebody dictate how you relate with him or her. Find out more about the person you hear his or her story and even who the story teller is. At the end of day, it may be the story teller you need to distance yourself from. **Deborah Samuel: Killed by beasts ruled by blind unbriddled religious passion. Equally baser beasts, supporting **
- The first reaction may not be the best especially if it will complicate and aggravate matters. As Prince Akim in the person of Eddy Murphy wants Lisa to believe in the film 'Coming To America'1. Remember he was only looking for a wife and trying to win over Lisa.
Imagine a Nigeria without Ogbomoso and Oyo Alaafin....
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